quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2016

Interactive teaching - Roménia Sinaia - Maio 2016

Dear participants in the 'Interactive Teaching’ Course, Sinaia, May, 2016,
As there are almost two weeks before we meet, I would like to give you some more information about the course period.

The hotel where most of you are accommodated is Vila Camelia. Everybody will have a single room with breakfast and lunch included. 

The reservation is on my name but when you arrive a list with your names will be already at the reception.

On Sunday evening at 18,00- we will have kick-off meeting. 
We will discuss the programme for every day and some administrative issues. (For Wednesday we have thought of having the outdoor activities in Bucharest, but if you have already visited it we can change it to Brasov with Dracula Castle.)

The course will start on Monday morning at 09:00 when everybody introduces their school, town or country. You can have PowerPoint presentations, photos, movies or using the Internet. If you need anything here, please let me know.

In the evening, also on Monday, at 18:00 – we will have an intercultural evening. Could you bring something specific? (Food or drink – just symbolically, music or dances, jokes, anything that may be specific to your country?)

On Wednesday we will have outside educational activities.  (We will discuss it on Sunday evening.)

For the course, please, remember that you will have to present at least one educational game you use with your students. – On Thursday.
Computers will be needed at times, especially on Thursday and Friday. (For those who cannot bring one, we will try to find a solution.)

The weather in Sinaia in May should be, normally, a pleasant one. Yet, as this is a mountain resort temperatures could be a bit low. Especially at night. So, please take warm and comfortable clothes and shoes. An umbrella may not be such a bad idea, too. We expect up to 15 C degrees during the day, but also some rain:(
(And less than 10 C at night)

We need a photo from you. Could you, please, send it to me as soon as possible?

I am sending you the map with the location of the hotel. 

This is my phone number: 0040720003203. I have yours, so we should be able to get in touch.

I am looking forward to your answers and especially to seeing all of you and having a great time together!!!:)

Felicia Dimulescu
Project Coordinator/Teacher Trainer
Eruditus Association
Área de anexos

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